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Author Guidelines

Types of peer-reviewed manuscripts in regular issues include:

  • Full length regular articles reporting original and previously unpublished work - 3000-6000 words excluding tables, figures, and references.
  • Review articles that contain critical evaluation of defined topics or emerging fields of investigation, sometimes including the historical accounts of topics.
  • Commentaries or an opinionated exposition on an important scientific issue or event designed to stimulate further discussion in a broader scientific forum.
  • Communications and Technical Reports
  • Case reports
  • Policy impact articles

Preparation of manuscript

General Guidelines

  • Manuscripts submitted should be in A4 paper format, double-spaced all throughout, left justified, with one-inch margin on every side using 11 point Calibri or any other easy-to-read Sans-serif font.
    Every research article must have the following major parts:
    • Title page
    • Abstract with keywords
    • Text or body of the paper
    • References
    • Tables
    • Figures and illustrations (when necessary)
  • References, tables, figures and illustrations should be cited in the text in numerical order.
  • System International (SI) units must be used for all measurements and weights.
  • For full research articles, this should not be more than 4000 words excluding tables, figures, and references.
  • A cover letter must accompany the article for submission addressed to the Editor-in-Chief. This should include a disclaimer that the article has not yet been submitted to any other journal for publication. In addition, authors are required to recommend the names of at least two manuscript reviewers not affiliated with the authors’ department alongside the rationale (e.g., expertise in a relevant area covered in the article) for selecting each of the recommended reviewers. Manuscripts without a transmittal/cover letter showing the said information will be returned.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval. Manuscripts with human and/or animal studies will be accepted if it is made clear that the authors have complied with the institutional policies governing the humane and ethical treatment of the experimental subjects. A formal and documented ethical approval from the IRB should be obtained for all studies that involve persons, medical case records, and human tissues. Approval for animal studies should be sought in their respective IRB.
  • All studies should conform to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (June 1964) and subsequent amendments (, and all manuscripts should include a statement that the research protocol was approved by the local Ethical Committee or equivalent.
  • In case reports, a declaration in the manuscript that consent from the persons involved was granted and that strict anonymity will be maintained. The persons included in the research paper should not be identifiable.

Title page

  • The title page must contain a brief title (not more than 15 words) of the article; full name starting with the first name, middle initial (if any), and last name; affiliation(s) and full address(es) of the authors. The corresponding author must be clearly indicated with email and telephone numbers.
  • If the paper was or will be presented in a scientific program or convention, a footnote must be included indicating the name, location, and date of the meeting.


  • The one-page structured abstract, should contain no more than 250 words. This should include background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. After the abstract, a list of up to six keywords that will be useful for indexing or searching should be included.

Body of the Report

The Body of the Report must be organized as follows: 1.0 Introduction, 2.0 Methodology (or Materials and Methods), 3.0 Results, 4.0 Discussion (that ends with a Conclusion), and 5.0 References. If the entire text is subdivided into numbered sections, the subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2,...), 1.2, etc.

  • The Introduction states the research’s objective(s), scope, significance, and hypothesis (if any). It also summarizes the literature and related studies. The introduction should be concise and should have no subheadings, as much as possible.
  • The Methodology section is brief but as detailed as to allow for independent replication of the entire research. It must contain the following information: participants/subjects or source(s) of data, materials or instrumentations, and procedure for data collection and analysis.
  • The Results section discloses the general and specific outcomes of the data collection and analysis. It is evidenced by adequately labeled statistical and other tests. Results may be presented based on the organization of the research variables, or on the logic imposed by the research framework.
  • The Discussion section presents an evaluation and interpretation of the research outcomes. It explicates the statistical interactions and main effects, and acknowledges their validity limitations. Where appropriate, it revisits the literature and related studies in light of the new findings. Finally, it articulates vital implications and recommendations that ensue from the findings. Note: A combined Results and Discussion, if more appropriate, may be allowed.
  • A Conclusion may be presented in a short Conclusions section, which may stand alone or form a subsection of a Discussion (or Results and Discussion section).
  • Acknowledgments (if any) to individuals, groups of persons, institutions, or funding agencies must also be included after the conclusion part and before the reference section.

References (Effective April 2016)

  • References must be cited in the text sequentially using Arabic numbers enclosed in a bracket after the last word of the sentence and right before any punctuation mark. If more than one reference is cited, these should be separated by a comma.
  • The Reference List should be numbered consecutively in the order of mention in the text. This should immediately follow the Acknowledgments section.
    A maximum of six authors per article can be cited; beyond this, only the first three must be mentioned followed by “et al.”
    For the format for the listing of references, please refer to the following examples:

Journal accessed in print:

Munawir A, Sohn ET, Kang C, et al. (2009) Proteinaceous cytotoxic component of Allium sativum induces apoptosis of INT-407 intestinal cells. Journal of Medicinal Food 12(4):776-81.

Journal accessed electronically with DOI:

Herbst-Damm KL, Kulik JA. (2005) Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology 24:225-229. doi: 10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225

Journal accessed electronically without DOI:

Silick TJ, Schutte NS. (2006) Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early
parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology 2(2):38-48.

Online resource:

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2003) Managing asthma: A guide for schools.


Beck CAJ, Sales BD. (2001) Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.

Work in an edited collection:

Letey J. (1985) Relationship between soil physical properties and crop production. In: Stewart BA (ed.).
Advances in Soil Science, 1, New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 277.


  • The main table heading, which appears above the table, should include a table number (Arabic) and a title. Legend and explanatory notes must appear below the table.
  • Tables should be single-spaced and in 10 point Calibri.
  • Tables, which are meant to supplement information in the text, must be self-explanatory.
  • Tables must be submitted as a separate file.


  • Figures or graphs should be identified by Arabic Numbers with titles and explanations underneath. The numbers should correspond to the order in which the figures/graph occur in the text. It is recommended that figures/graphs also be submitted as image files (preferably as jpeg, tiff or png files) of 300 dpi.
  • All identifying data of the subject/s or patient/s under study, such as name, case numbers, etc., particularly in case reports, should be removed.
  • Figures must be submitted as a separate file.


  • PDF proofs will be sent by email to the corresponding author. To avoid delay in publication, authors must re-send the proofs with or without corrections via e-mail at or via online submission system at within 72 hours of receipt. Please make a copy of the corrected proofs before returning them; keep the copy for your records.

Page Charges

  • There are no page charges in the Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. You have fully read and understood the Author Guidelines, particularly on the preparation of the manuscript before submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.