Thirteen-and-a-Half syndrome in 14 year old female

Jose Martin L. Velasco, Karen B. Reyes


Background: Thirteen-and-a-half syndrome consists of a one-and-a-half syndrome with an ipsilateral facial and trigeminal nerve palsy. This is due to lesions that affects the ipsilateral paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF) or the ipsilateral abducens nerve nucleus (VI), the contralateral medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF), the facial nerve (VII), and the trigeminal nerve (V).

Objectives: This is a case of Thirteen-and-a half syndrome and stress the importance of a proper neurologic exam to aid in the localization of lesions in the brain.

Methodology: This patient was monitored during her admission. She underwent a plain cranial CT scan to confirm the suspected hemorrhage and supportive management was done to relieve her symptoms.

Results: A 14-year-old female patient presented with a one-day history of right-sided hemiparesis. There was associated binocular diplopia, dizziness, slurring of speech, dropping of the left lip, and three episodes of spontaneous projectile vomiting. Plain cranial CT scan showed a left-sided pontine hemorrhage, and she was then advised admission. There was exotropia of the right eye on primary gaze with -4 on adduction, abducting nystagmus on the right eye, horizontal gaze palsy on the left eye, no convergence, left facial weakness, and decreased left facial sensation with minimal improvement during her admission. On the 1-year follow up, there was significant improvement with full motility on the right eye and a -1 on abduction on the left eye.

Conclusion: This is a case of a Thirteen-and-a-half syndrome in a young female patient. A complete neuro-ophthalmological exam is paramount as it is both sight-saving and life-saving.


Neuro-ophthalmology; one-and-a-half syndrome; thirteenand-a-half syndrome; pontine hemorrhage

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2783-042X