A Review of Disability Profiling in Developing Countries

Peñafrancia E. Ching, Anna Marie Dominique C. Diosana, Diana Jane A. Luib, Ma. Patricia D. Almeda, Anna Maria Patricia L. Ayate, Faula Anne P. Bordon, Maikee Angelica O. Deola, Cessnalyn M. Fajardo


Background: Disability profiling is important for developing countries to eliminate barriers to healthcare, provide services, optimize the use of limited resources, and promote community participation of persons with disabilities (WHO & World Bank, 2011).

Objective: This review is a synthesis describing the various processes of profiling disability in developing countries that include common methodologies used to obtain the profile, the common problems encountered in the use of the methods, and the suggested recommendations to improve disability profiling.

Methodology: The study used a literature review design. Articles were retrieved from 6 open access databases, 3 libraries, and 3 websites. After a thorough search using inclusion and exclusion criteria, 10 articles were synthesized for this review.

Results and Conclusion: Different methods are used for conducting disability profiles depending on the specific purpose of programs and organizations. Common limitations include validity and reliability concerns, attitudinal barriers in data collection, and the cost of disability profiling. Recommendations consist of the need to (1) use combined methods to capture the construct of disability, (2) observe cost effectiveness by including questions on disability in national censuses and to (3) employ qualitative methods with community-based approaches to better capture important aspects of disability.

Key words: disability, disability profiling, developing country, literature review

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2738-042X