An Analysis of the Gaps in the National Infrastructure for Chemical Management System

Marian Fe Theresa C. Lomboy, Romeo R. Quizon, Ana Trinidad F. Rivera, Adrian Paul M. Agravante, Ruby D. Tambiloc


Background and Objective: Accompanying the increasing activities for economic development in the industrial and agricultural sectors is the ever-growing demand for the use of chemicals. This necessitates the establishment of an effective chemical management system in the country to control the hazards that these chemicals pose to public health. This study was conducted to analyze the gaps in the country's chemical management system.

Methodology: Data were gathered through a series of consultative meetings with key stakeholders from
government and non-government organizations and a review of relevant documents, such as the National
Chemical Management Profile (2011) and the Framework for National Chemical Safety Management (2012).

Results and Conclusions: The results showed gaps in the national chemical management infrastructure as
follows: grey areas in implementing legislations related to chemical management; lack of a standardized
reporting system for chemical inventories; lack of data quality assurance; unavailability and inaccessibility of data; centralization of technical/professional services in Luzon; and lack of trained personnel for the
implementation of chemical management activities. These gaps should be addressed for the protection of public health and maintenance of environmental sustainability.


chemical management, National Profile, public health, environmental sustainability

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2738-042X