Andragogic principles in case-based discussion among medical interns in a tertiary hospital

Raquel J. Quino, Melflor A. Atienza, Erlyn A. Sana, Maria Lourdes Dorothy S. Salvacion, Teresita R. Castillo, Patricia M. Khu


Background: Andragogy, the theory of adult learning is relevant to medical education especially in the clinical internship learning context. It focuses on the students, faculty, and patients interacting together while developing competencies as future practitioners. Medical interns are active adult learners, enhancing their development of knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes, and pursuing professionalism as they participate in case-based discussions (CBD).

Objectives: The study sought to identify the basic principles of andragogy while medical interns participate in case-based discussions including the end-of-course satisfaction. It also determined the selected demographic factors associated with the andragogic principles.

Methodology: Respondents included 80 interns by convenience sampling who rotated at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences in a tertiary referral hospital. The study used a combination of descriptive quantitative and qualitative research design. A valid instrument using the Adult Learning Principles Design Elements Questionnaire (ALPDEQ) was used to measure the medical intern's andragogic orientation as well as end-of-course satisfaction. A direct, non-participant observation of case-based discussions conducted at the department was done by the researcher and research associate.

Results and Conclusion: The occurrence of andragogic principles specifically motivation, experience, need to know, readiness, and self-directedness was observed during the conduct of case-based discussion. There was no association between principles of andragogy and demographic factors such as age, gender, civil status, medical school, preparatory medical course, and place of origin. CBD is an effective learning strategy, which provides medical interns adequate venues to be self-directed and apply the principles of andragogy in a workplace-based setting.


Published online: September 21, 2021


andragogy; case-based discussion; self-directed learning; medical interns; ALPDEQ

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2783-042X