A checklist for assessing gender responsiveness in TB control program in the community

Marita V. T. Reyes, Lorna L. Jandoc, Rebecca M. Ramos, Helen A. de Guzman


Unrecognized gender issues in TB prevention and management in the community and the resulting lack of mechanisms to address these poses as barrier in the success of TB control. Results from two projects on gender responsiveness in TB prevention and management in the community conducted in 2020-2023 contributed to the development of a checklist that can be used as guide to make TB control measures gender-responsive. The checklist used the basic elements of a public health program as framework. This was enhanced by measures to address gender issues which surfaced from KAP community surveys on TB and Gender, in-depth interviews of TB program implementers, and FGDs with women and men who had lived with TB, including their families.


TB Program; TB Prevention and Management; TB services; Gender; Genderresponsiveness

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2783-042X