Student learning needs during the pandemic

Maria Margarita M. Lota


COVID-19 has disrupted daily living globally due to increased deaths and lockdowns that heavily affected 156 million learners as of July 2021. Over 28 million Filipino students had their classes cancelled for more than 41 weeks; hence, educational institutions have endeavored to continue teaching via alternative learning modes with remote learning as the most feasible. However, literature has mixed views of online education, citing positive and negative factors affecting learning. Thus, the objective of the article is to synthesize existing literature on the potential factors influencing student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Curricular design should take note of both physical and human factors. Physical factors include internet access and EdTech, while human factors include instructor's characteristics, curricular design, and student
characteristics, attitudes, and psychosocial needs. Various steps such as ensuring internet access, training
teachers, and characterizing students, alongside continuous feedback and timely preparation, are
recommended to properly execute remote learning in emergencies.


Published online: December 22, 2021


health professions education; online; learning; COVID-19; pandemic

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Print ISSN: 2704-3517; Online ISSN: 2783-042X